Utilise & Utilisation
From 'Vocabulary' part of The ABC Of Plain Words by Sir E Gowers (1951)

These words are hardly ever needed, for the simple word use will almost always serve. The official (not a government official) who wrote "This document is forwarded herewith for the favour of your utilisation" should have written "please use this form". That says what needed to be said in four syllables instead of twenty-one.

Nor is there any reason for preferring the longer word in:

The sum so released may, upon receipt of same, be utilized to reimburse you for expenses.

For the phrase "upon receipt of same", see Same.

Certainly use and utilise should not be employed merely by way of "elegant variation" as they apparently are in:

It is expected that Boards will be able to utilise the accommodation now being used by the existing governing bodies.