Note 055
From Chapter 42 of the Decline & Fall

Of these fables, I have seen three copies in three different languages:

  1. In Greek, translated by Simeon Seth (A.D. 1100) from the Arabic, and published by Starck at Berlin in 1697, in 12mo.
  2. In Latin, a version from the Greek Sapientia Indorum, inserted by Pere Poussin at the end of his edition of Pachymer, (p. 547 - 620, edit. Roman.)
  3. In French, from the Turkish, dedicated, in 1540, to Sultan Soliman Contes et Fables Indiennes de Bidpai et de Lokman, par Mm. Galland et Cardonne, Paris, 1778, 3 vols. in 12mo.

Mr. Warton (History of English Poetry, vol. i. p. 129 - 131) takes a larger scope.