Note 075
From Chapter 38 of the Decline & Fall

See the Burgundian laws (tit. ii. in tom. iv. p. 257), the code of the Visigoths (1. vi. tit. v. in tom. iv. p. 383,), and the constitution of Childebert, not of Paris, but most evidently of Austrasia (in tom. iv. p. 112). Their prernature severity was sometimes rash and excessive. Childebert condemned not only murderers but robbers;

quomodo sine lege involavit, sine lege moriatur;

and even the negligent judge was involved in the same sentence. The Visigoths abandoned an unsuccessful surgeon to the family of his deceased patient,

ut quod de eo facere voluerint habeant potestatem (l. xi. tit. i. in tom. iv. p. 435).