Note 071
From Chapter 26 of the Decline & Fall

Vexillis de more sublatis, auditisque triste sonantibus classicis. Ammian. xxxi. 5.

These are the rauca cornua of Claudian (in Rufin. ii. 57), the large horns of the Uri, or wild bull — such as have been more recently used by the Swiss cantons of Uri and Unterwald (Simler de Republica Helvet. 1. ii. p. 201, edit. Fuselin. Tigur. 1734). Their military horn is finely, though perhaps casually, introduced in an original narrative of the battle of Nancy (A.D. 1477)

"Attendant le combat le dit cor fut corne par trois fois, tant que le vent du souffleur pouvoit durer: ce qui esbahit fort Monsieur de Bourgoigne;car deja a Morat l'avoit ouy." (See the Pieces Justificatives in the 4to edition of Philippe de Comines, tom. iii. p. 493.)