Note 042
From Chapter 20 of the Decline & Fall

Besides these well-known examples, Tollius (Preface to Boileau's translation of Longinus) has discovered a vision of Antigonus, who assured his troops that he had seen a pentagon (the symbol of safety) with these words, "In this conquer." But Tollius has most inexcusably omitted to produce his authority; and his own character, literary as well as moral, is not free from reproach (see Chauffepie, Dictionnaire Critique, tom. iv. p. 460). Without insisting on the silence of Diodorus, Plutarch, Justin, etc., it may be observed that Polyaenus, who in a separate chapter (1. iv. c. 6) has collected nineteen military stratagems of Antigonus, is totally ignorant of this remarkable vision.