Note 058
From Chapter 19 of the Decline & Fall

Of these four nations the Albanians are too well known to require any description. The Segestans ['Sacastene, St. Martin'] inhabited a large and level country, which still preserves their name, to the south of Khorasan and thc west of Hindostan. (See Geographia Nubiensis, p. 133; and d'Herbelot, Bibliotheque Orientale, p. 797.) Notwithstanding the boasted victory of Bahram (page 294), the Segestans, above fourscore years afterwards, appear as an independent nation, the ally of Persia. We are ignorant of the situation of the Vertae and Chionites, but I am inclined to place them (at least the latter) towards the confines of India and Scythia. See Ammian. xvi. 9.