Note 025
by Joachim C. Fest

Mein Kampf. That Hitler also reached this conclusion by supposedly following the example of the opposition does not alter the validity of this formula so far as his own activities are concerned and only confirms the previously discussed complexity of his attitude. The remaining quotations and references to Hitler's propaganda technique are taken from Hermann Rauschning's book 'Voice of Destruction', as well as from various places in the text of Mein Kampf. In an inter-view on 21st February 1936 with the French journalist Bertrand de Jouvenel, Hitler mentioned another condition for his success:

'I will disclose to you what has raised me to my position. Our problems seemed complicated. The German people did not know what to do about them. In these circumstances the people preferred to leave them to the professional politicians. I on the other hand have simplified the problems and reduced them to the simplest formula. The masses recognized this and followed me' (quoted in French in Baynes, Speeches of Adolf Hitle).

It should also be mentioned that Hitler managed to get attuned to his audience of the moment with extraordinary skill which certainly sprang in good part from an intuitive shrewdness. He always knew where the interests of his hearers lay, whether they were petty bourgeois, industrialists, peasants or generals, and how to find the arguments, or at least words, exactly tailored to their mood and needs.

From Chapter 3 ,The Fuhrer , Part 1 of The Face Of The Third Reich by J.C. Fest -- See further Notes

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