Note 1
to A Letter by Erasmus to Maarten Van Dorp

On Maarten van Dorp and the circumstances of Erasmus's letter, see the third section of the Introduction, Erasmus, having just returned from England, was on his way to Strasbourg and Basle. This letter was first printed by Froben at Basle in August 1515 with three other important letters. All four were considerably expanded versions of what had actually been sent. However, even if we do not know the length of the original letter, Erasmus's references to sickness and fatigue have a touch of the conventional disclaimer about them.

The letter to Dorp, written at Antwerp in 1514, has regularly been printed as an appendix to the Folly, from 1516. Like Folly, it underwent a series of additions and corrections during Erasmus's lifetime.

The letter from Dorp was printed with this reply in October 1515 at Antwerp. Both were printed together from June 1524 in most important editions of the Folly, as Erasmus calls it.