Start Trek
From 'Science Wish List' by R Bartlet (April 16, 1994)

Perhaps one of the most beneficial discoveries civilisation could make is that the Second Law of Thermodynamics is misunderstood (more correctly, incompletely understood). The 2nd Law says that in a closed system with no energy coming in, disorder or entropy must increase - heat flows from hot to cold, eventually averaging out in random molecular disorder and offering absolutely no hope for an everlasting existence of the cosmos.

If the ideas I've previously enclosed about recycling the cosmos (along with this week's enclosure) are correct, then everlasting existence of the cosmos (a central idea of Steady State theory) is absolutely guaranteed!

After reading the 'Science Classics' cartoon by Larry Gonick (DISCOVER magazine, July 1991), a few ideas came to mind. I don't know if these make me a crank, a scientist or an optimist (to borrow some terms from the cartoon) - but I'm going to try to enterprisingly and boldly go where James Clerk Maxwell and Cariton Caves have not gone before (Maxwell and Caves are two scientists mentioned in the cartoon as having worked on the Second Law of Thermodynamics). I'm enterprisingly and boldly going to the final frontier on the Search for Vanishing Entropy (who knows - Spock might be there, too).

This argument arises from a statement in 'Time travels in diverse paces' by Anantanarayanan Thyagaraja (NEW SCIENTIST magazine, 8 April 1989): '. . . if we put the system (a small bead sliding on a circular wire) in a smallish box with walls that perfectly reflected the waves (the accelerating bead emits gravity waves), the system would not decay.'

Speculating that the Law of Conservation of Mass-Energy (mass-energy may not be created (* What last week's letter to Science Wish List called a 'creation point' is more properly referred to as a 'recycling point) or destroyed, but each may be converted into the other) is the universe's practical equivalent of this perfect reflection gives the following: if the universal system is finite (analogous to 'a smallish box') and obeys the Law of Conservation of Mass-Energy, that universe will violate the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.

It's a scientific fact that the 2nd Law cannot be violated in a closed system with no energy coming in - so if the universe we live in (according to this manuscript, it's a closed system comprised of space, subspace and hyperspace and with a 'void' outside it which is a vacancy for the eternal expansion of its infinite subuniverses) is to last forever, there must be energy coming in to the universal system. This energy influx may come from a particle accelerator transmitting energy to 20 lbs. of matter and producing a cosmos-generating mint black hole. It may also lend support to the belief that other subuniverses interact with (put energy into) our local finite subuniverse. Drawing on cosmological equations worked out by Albert Einstein nearly 80 years ago reveals that these other subuniverses must be two in number and infinite.

'Time travels in diverse paces' also says 'If all the beads could act as one . . . the system would stay reversible.' So time travel would be scientifically possible if all things (including beads) can act as one (this means some Grand Unification Theory and some Theory of Everything has to be successful).

If other subuniverses exist..and if time travel is possible, maybe taking trips through time is achieved by travelling via these other subuniverses. Is entry to these subuniverses gained by means of wormholes? Could these subuniverses be called subspace and hyperspace? If a wormhole provides a shortcut by tunnelling through the curvature of space to hyperspace and back, can it be used to attain seemingly faster-than-light speed?

End of 'Star trek'
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