Robert South (1634-1716)

DR. SOUTH, when once preaching before Charles II.... observed that the monarch and his attendants began to nod, and as nobles are common men when they are asleep, some of them soon after snored; on which he broke off his sermon, and called, 'Lord Lauderdale, let me entreat you to rouse yourself; you snore so loud that you will wake the King!'

George Colman, The Circle of Anecdote (4th edn., 1823), p. 294.

DR. SOUTH, when he resided at Caversham in Oxfordshire, was called out of bed on a cold winter's morning by his clerk, to marry a couple who were then waiting for him. The doctor hurried up, and went shivering to church; but seeing only an old man of seventy, with a woman about the same age, and his clerk, he asked the latter in a pet where the bridegroom and the bride were, and what that man and woman wanted. The old man replying that they came there to be married, the doctor looked sternly at him and exclaimed, ' Married!' 'Yes, married,' said the old man hastily; 'better marry than do worse.' 'Go, get you gone, you silly old fools!' said the doctor; 'get home and do your worst!' And then hobbled out of church in a great passion with his clerk for calling him out of bed on such a ridiculous errand.

Ibid., pp. 17-18.