16.1 The Rise Of Western Civilisation
From 16. The Role Of Government by LJM Cooray

There are many interconnected causes responsible for the rise of Western Civilization. The overriding perspective is that it is a system which combines freedom with responsibility. A set of evolved values and institutions struck a balance between freedom and order, the role of government and the role of the individual, liberty and licence, freedom and responsibility. Restrictions on freedom operated through a Constitution, law, political institutions and social sanctions. The law and social sanctions were based on Christian principles and values (similar to the principles and values of other world religions). The twin concepts of freedom and responsibility led to the great developments which took mankind from the age of the horse and buggy to travelling in space in the lifetime of one individual the last one hundred years has seen more change and development than had taken place through the entire period of man's inhabitance of this planet. The previous one hundred years is a culmination of longer process of change going back to the pre-renaissance period, which witnessed human development in the context of a gradual and slow increase of individual freedom. There is a close connection between freedom and development. The freedom of western Civilization was never the freedom of the wild ass. Law and other factors provided controls on individual responsibility. These restrictions are being undermined. (This is not to defend every aspect of the earlier law and social morality, which was in some respects harsh and needed adaptation to suit modern conditions).

This carefully constructed system has been subjected to increasing attack and is being undermined. Law in the last few decades has increasingly sought to control individual activity in situations where freedom had earlier provided opportunity for initiative and action. There is an inter-connection between the role of government, the role of the constitution and the role of law in the rise of western civilisation. The following analysis examines the role of these three institutions in the history of western development and the liberal philosophy which influenced and permeated them at every turn.